Monday, June 8, 2009


We are so proud of Rebecca! She graduated today with honors, and because she placed in the top ten statewide in a DECA competition, she wore the "cords" for that too. WOW! She is enrolled at UNLV this fall, and we look forward to her continued success.
Last Thursday was the last day of school. I took the kids out to lunch. My only stipulation is that they all have to agree on one place. We went to Sonic. After lunch we came home so Lex could finish (start) packing. She left on a plane to Utah for a few weeks. She is having a good time with cousins. Chris will meet up with her in a couple of weeks to attend EFY at the U of U. I am excited for both of them! Lauren is making plans to stay there with friends while the big kids are in Utah. Lauren is also looking forward to getting her bike fixed so she can ride it this summer. I can't believe we are almost half way through June already! Father's Day and Phillip's birthday are just around the corner! I hope you are enjoying your summer too.
p.s. If you're wondering about a great service project, check out this link! My friend since high school, Michelle is hoping to complete a marathon in Maui to honor her dad CJ. I love, love, loved her dad CJ. He was one of the best! "I can~ I am~ I WILL" be supporting her in this goal. Maybe you can too.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Rebecca! And where do I get my hands on one of those little graduation cupcakes??
