Sunday, June 14, 2009


Dear Mother Nature,

I am awaiting your "gift" this month. My body is already preparing. I think it decided to go with
a "circus" theme this month. You know, with the ususal attractions. Bearded ladies, boobloons, ferocious mood swings, er animals, etc.

You and I go waaaayyy back. In fact, I believe you have visited me approximately 400
times over the years. The only times you did not visit left me with four "spectators". I do
not wish to have any more spectators, so I am politely informing you that your visits will
no longer be required. Please don't misunderstand, there have been times I was especially glad for your visits, it's just that they are no longer required on such a regular basis.
Please feel free to enjoy the chocolate pie that I would NEVER have bought except for anticipating your visit. I need to inform Flip the Clown that the Fun House will be temporarily closed.



  1. Haha! Mine disappeared a few months ago, abruptly, suddenly, and while I don't understand how that can be with no warning or signs -- before or after -- I decided to enjoy it! Now I will eat what I want when I want except now I have nothing to blame it on!

  2. I SO want to copy this! You are too funny!
