Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rest in Peace

We are heartbroken.  We lost a nephew today in Afghanistan.
We were fortunate to have them visit last year, and we
treasured the time we had with them.  It is even more
precious to us now. The middle pic is one I took of them at Hoover
Dam.  RIP Ryan.  We love and pray for you, Kayla.
Ryan Savard- Army Special Forces Weapons Expert

Monday, September 10, 2012


I am having trouble organizing.  My feelings, time, priorities.
It's the third week of school.  I should be better.
It just seems like I am great at gathering information,
but not so great at organizingand executing.
I have "to do" lists a week old.
I haven't even started.
I don't care.
Seeing all the "I's" in this post makes me see that it
is a bit selfish.  I CAN TAKE CARE OF THIS. I WILL.