Saturday, March 7, 2009


Happy Tag
Link to the person who has tagged you.Write down six things that make you happy.Post the rules, tag six others and let them know you did it.Tell the person when your entry is complete.
6 Things that make me Happy:
1. Mi Familia
2. Weekends/Vacations
3. Catching up with friends
4. Reading
5. Having things organized (see #6)
6. Dreams
People I tagged... Jeannene, Stephanie, Edie, Laura, Amanda and Melissa


  1. 6 things that make ME happy:
    1. The sweet cooing sounds of my baby trying to talk.
    2. A warm embrace and hearing "I love you".
    3. Brief moments of meditation and contemplation.
    4. A heartfelt connection with a friend.
    5. Beautiful spring weather and the smell of fresh cut grass.
    6. Good food. (This can be a bad thing...)

  2. Here are my six things:

    1. My family's house in Utah.
    2. Having a gospel understanding of earth life (otherwise, I would be depressed right now).
    3. Any time I find someone whose personality jives with mine (that's not an easy feat).
    4. My family.
    5. Living on earth during indoor plumbing, central air and heating, toilet paper, and fast food. I often wonder if the pioneers look on our time right now and think "Seriously... We couldn't have driven in a RV across the plains?! What was up with the wagons and oxen?"
    6. Good health, or even mediocre health, because the future is probably just going to go down hill from here.

